
Alumni Referral Program - Refer 2 Excel

The program aims to foster alumni engagement and expand the reach of IDMC Ghana by tapping into the power of your network. We believe that your experiences and achievements make you the best advocate for our institute.


1. Encourage alumni engagement and participation with IDMC Ghana.

2. Expand the network of potential students and clients through alumni referrals.

3. Recognize and reward alumni for their contribution to the growth and success of IDMC Ghana.

How to Refer

  1. Refer 2 new people from your network and earn a free course with us.

  2. The slot can be redeemed by yourself, or anyone appointed by you.

  3. The slot can also be converted into cash for you or given as a discount to the person.

T&C Apply

Here's How The It Works

Simply refer potential students or clients to IDMC Ghana by filling out the online referral form or sending an email with their contact information and a brief description of their interest or need for our programs or services.

For each successful referral, you will be rewarded! You can receive cash incentives, discounts on our training programs, exclusive alumni events, or special recognition for your valuable contribution.

We will keep you updated on the program’s progress, acknowledge your successful referrals, and provide opportunities for you to share your success stories and experiences.

Your support and active participation in the Alumni Referral Program will not only benefit IDMC Ghana but also help us create a stronger community of alumni. Together, we can empower more individuals to excel in digital marketing and communication.

Stay tuned for more information on how to get involved in the program. If you have any questions or would like to refer someone right away, please reach out to Contact 0206018207 / 0206018208 / 0591311118 .

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to your participation in the Alumni Referral Program!

Programme Structure

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