Incorporate research into your communication plans- Communications Consultant advises
Communications consultant and Lecturer at the Ghana Institute of Journalism, Paulina Kuranchie has advised Communication professionals to invest into research as it’s proven to be one of the effective tools to expand brand awareness.
She says research is not only important but an integral part of the sustenance of a brand or product.
“So have a plan because if you do not have a plan, then you may be thrown off-board for whatever it is that you want to communicate. Research is important because it helps us to know where we are, what we need to do differently, how we can do those things differently,” Ms. Kuranchie said.
She continued that every Communications planner should ask some four basic questions in order to have an efficient communications plan.
“The first question you need to ask yourself when developing a campaign is to ask yourself where are we as an organization, then you need to ask yourself how you got to where you are, and then you need to ask yourself where you want to get to and finally ask how we will get there”
Ms. Kuranchie made these remarks while delivering a lecture at a communications masterclass put together by Cadi Communications Limited, a burden Communications Company in Accra last Saturday.
Dean of the Communications department of the Ghana Institute of Journalism, Dr. Modestus Fosu, who was the lead facilitator said while seeking to expand brand awareness, Communications professionals must implement their plans having in mind ethical issues.
He said many organizations who have ignored this have had to spend so much money managing their reputations.
“You must always have your clients at heart while implementing communication plans as they are the eventual benefactors. Aside from your communications guide, let ethics reign supreme. Know what to do and when to do what”
Project Manager of Cadi Media and Communications Consult, Martin Thompson Ntem said the 2-weeks Communications master class, which assembled some foremost marketing communication practitioners across the country was to assist young people who are exiting Communication Universities and business people with some skills in digital media and marketing communications and to provide them with opportunities.
“The training was to help the youth understand the skills and knowledge necessary for digital marketing. The world has transformed, partly due to COVID-19 and so many activities have moved online and the4 need to equip the youth with the skills to play on this stage birthed this training”
When asked about the future steps, Mr. Ntem said a lot of effort is being put in place to replicate this training in other parts of the country as the need for digital marketers’ surge.
Patrick Kpesese and Vera and participated in the training. They said it was timely as it broadened their knowledge regarding corporate communications practice and measure ng instruments.
“This training afforded me the opportunity to learn more practical aspects from field communication practitioners than my four years in the University has taught me and I am happy I now know about how to manage websites and measure KPIs. As a journalist I know I can make some money using some blog. This masterclass is career-changing,” said Vera Anthony.
“For me, this is timely. I learned how to do copywriting, bulk SMS and I am happy to annou8ce that even before finishing the course, I have started applying these skills at my workplace. Unfortunately, some of the things I have learned are new to me and I am happy Cadi Communications stepped in to fill the gap,” Patrick said.
Chief Executive Officer of Fafa Radio in the Volta, Emmanuel Ketaman, who was a participant said whatever he has learned from this training will help him to promote their works on the digital space going forward.
Source: GhanaWeb